On the question “where does morality comes from?”

Fred Stella, the Pracharak for the West Michigan Hindu Temple, responds: “It is obvious that different cultures express morality in various ways.  Even the same culture can modify its understanding of morality over time. For instance, it is likely that the most conservatively dressed woman in our 21st century would end up in the stocks if she suddenly appeared in the 17th century. While most Hindus would agree to live up to the ethical standards of their current country and era, there are guidelines from our scriptures that indicate a morality that transcends time and place. Yet even these have a sense of flexibility built into them. Hindus see this universe as relative, with no absolutes outside of God. 

Rev. Ray Lanning, a retired minister of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America, responds:

 “Reformed and Presbyterian Christians have a different starting point for morality. We begin with God and His will for our lives. God’s law was written on the human heart at creation (Romans 2:13-15). We sometimes call it ‘conscience,’ but the law is God’s revelation that instructs and directs our conscience. Without God’s law, we are ships navigating without chart or compass. God’s creatures should consult and obey the will of their Creator. God’s people should walk in the light of His Word. Faith in Christ and love for Christ leads to Christian obedience, as the Lord Jesus says: ‘He that hath my commandments and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me’ (John 14:21).”

In the book "introduction to philosophy"  Philip A. Pecorino, Ph.D writes."In the United States, where the conservative right argues that we should turn to religion for moral insights and inspiration, the gap between government and religion is rapidly diminishing,. Abortion and the withdrawal of life-support .are increasingly being challenged by the view that these acts are strictly against Gods word . "thou shalt not kill". And religion has once again begun to make its way back into public schools, seeking equal status alongside a scientific theory of human nature".






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