knowlege or virtue

Plato explains in his book  "Allegory of cave" the different stages of gaining knowledge in a very philosophical way, like arrogance, imagining, realizing and understanding. And these are the same stages of knowing the truth. At first we are too arrogant to know the truth. But if we have the curiosity only then we can move on to the next three stages. But the last part which is understanding takes the most time. We may know something to be true but why is it true, can be really hard to grasp sometimes. But what is the point of knowing something to be true if one can not implement it in their life. Why is truth considered as something good but very few seem to act upon it. 

      T.P kasulis writes in his paper "truth and zen"  

" the discussion of truth as virtue does raise another important point, however. In Aristotle and Thomas, truth-telling is primarily posed in terms of presenting oneself to others. That is, the true person (one possessing the virtue, truth) does not mislead others. In Lin-chi, however, the emphasis is on self-awareness, that is, one who is a true person does not lie to oneself".

              So on one hand there are the man made philosophies that define truth in a very worldly or scientific manner. And then their are religions who define truth as a virtue rather then a philosophy. They tell you to act upon the truth rather then just knowing it.The question arises that which one is better?


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