
 my 3rd year project was an installation work. It was based on the theme "war child" which as the name shows it was about the children who suffer from war. There is an African proverb that says

     " when the elephants fight, its the grass that suffers"

This piece is a depiction of a child who is standing helplessly and around him are the pages of history

falling down, and each page is showing a war scene .The idea was that the ones who suffer the most during a war are children.

This photo is on of my personal favorite because the guy in the photo was known to be the funniest person on our campus, he was the head of theater club and brought nothing but smiles and laughs to the audience faces for 4 years. Below is my attempt to see through him. What he looks like to me from the inside.

below is a link to a short narrative film about the hard times that people are going through not just in this pandemic but the overall situation of the world. Its a little slow paced video. taking time to breath through every moment.


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