What do i do

 What do i do?

I am an artist/designer whose intentions are to learn something new everyday and leave mark on people lives through my work.

Being a designer/artist seemed like a better option for me as a career, or to be more precise it felt like the only option for me. It gives me the freedom to work in a way that gives me satisfaction of mind. It is a blessing that not many have. One is able to bring his/her ideas to life through what ever medium they want. To be able to bring out your feeling that you are unable to mold into words(especially when you are not good with words), and giving away a message that stays with others is truly a joy that not many can experience. As a designer/artist, i feel like i am a better person then before. Apart from my work in the field, It has helped me think and reflect on my life, how my surroundings has an effect on me,but more importantly how i have an effect on my surroundings. My search for One true master Designer has finally come to an end.

          There are two ways one can spend his/her life.you can either make your own choices and be responsible for them. If things turn out to be good you can feel proud about yourself.and if things go south there is no one to blame but yourself. OR, you can let your life make choices for you and make peace with those choices, no matter the consequences. I am that second kind of  person. I didn't choose to be an artist.i was meant to be one.


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